Much better picture. It was raining today and the camera always seems to like taking shots in the clouds.
Carnelian. Orange crush. I love carnelian.

Found some Omega chains. New supplier in Texas. Yeah. No more mail order form Florida wondering if it will ever arrive.

Sleeping Beauty Turquoise I got yesterday. It made my heart happy. The baby blue, natural, sigh. I mixed it with Amber a friend of mine brough back for me from the Baltic sea. I had been holding it in my tight little fists for years. Time to let go of it I suppose. Thanks Bri. The focal is an amazing story. When I started to live on the road full time doing festivals I was scared. I was use to the stability of a 9 to 5 etc... I met a beautiful traver by the name of Becky. She lived in a green motor home and sewed up teddy bears for the stars. She was working on one for Demi Moore while I watched, at her card table with a chord running 30 feet to a plug in. She had just hit the road herself (10 years previously) and was feeling as I was at that moment. She went to a garage sale and found a plastic beaded curtain. She almost put it back when she took a really close look and realized it was Amber. Large amber beads of butterscotch. Wow. She informed the guy it was Amber, he shrugged his shoulders and said $2. She lived off of that amber for a year, selling it piece by piece. This was the last piece and she gave it to me. It was cut in half to make a cab. I wore it on a my hand made buffalo hide pouch my husband made me for years. My money bag for shows. It has traveled for 20 years now with travelers bringing luck and fortune. When I was making up this necklace it asked to go with. I am sad about that but who am I to argue with a piece of Amber. Someone else needs it now.

Bone Goddess I picked up at the Austin Bead Bizarre from a vendor named E. Silva who runs a bead business called Pulquerios. She had wonderful unique focals and I couldn't resist the Goddess.